Kirrae Health Service Inc.
1 Kirrae Avenue, Purnim 3278
If you have a telehealth video appointment with one of our doctor's please click on the Red Doctor's Waiting Room.
If you have an appointment with our allied health service please click on the Blue Allied Health Waiting Room.
(Diabetes Educator, Dietician, Speech therapy, KHS Aboriginal Health Worker, KHS Nurse)
What's Deadly at Kirrae
The third Wednesday of each month
Tuesdays during school term from 10:00 to 12:00 lunch provided.
Koko Blokes
Young men aged 7-17 yrs, Tuesdays 4pm
(until the end of the year and will change back to Wednesday nights)
Kalat Girls
Girls aged 12 - 25 yrs, Tuesday 4:30pm
(alternates with little sista's)
Little Sista's
Girls aged 7-12 yrs, Tuesday 4:30pm
(alternates with Kalat Girls)
Community Lunches
At Kirrae every second Tuesday 12:00 noon
Social Support Lunches
Held fortnightly, give us a buzz to find out where the next one will be or check out our Facebook page and monthly Community Newsletter
Other Fitness and Social Activities:
Gym sessions
Deadly Walkers - Virtual Walking Group
Craft Group
School Holiday Programs
See our 'services' tab for all of our programs including mental health, Drug and Alcohol, Aged Care and more.
Like us on facebook or follow our Instagram page to get regular updates!

Have you heard Kristy and Piper on the radio? Our girls yarning on how to keep germs away because #acoldforyoucouldbedeadlyforme
Bulk Billing GP Clinics
Kirrae Health Service is a bulk bill clinic, all welcome. Please ring to book an appointment with a doctor or come in to see our full time onsite Registered Nurse or awesome Health Workers.
Dr Chandan -
Every Tuesday & Friday
10am - 2pm
Dr. Hall -
First Tuesday Night of the month
Dr. Hedgland -
Third Thursday of each month
9:30am -12:10pm
Want to find out
what else is
happening at Kirrae?
Check out our
monthly community Newsletter!