Kirrae Health Service Inc.
1 Kirrae Avenue, Purnim 3278
Community Health
Kirrae is a Nationally Accredited Health Service against the QIC Health and Community Services Standards.
We understand that in order to have an impact on health, people need to feel secure, safe and have a sense of belonging and connectedness. As a result many of our programs are socially based and community orientated.
We provide Primary Health Care, including onsite Bulk Billed GP services, eye and ear services, speech pathology, health education, disability and aged care services, children's programs, Social, Emotional and Wellbeing services including counselling and advocacy, Drug and Alcohol services and much more.
Each year we host a variety of annual events including an immunisation night 'Flu Night!', a fishing competition, World No Tobacco Day and NAIDOC celebrations. We also regularly host Australia's Biggest Morning Tea and annual Close The Gap Day, filled with healthy activities, great food, great company and visiting service providers.
Clinical Services
Register nurse onsite
Aboriginal Health Workers
Health promotion
Chronic illness management
Health screening
Aged care packages
Health education
Transport for medical appointments
Drug and Alcohol
Tackling Indigenous Smoking
Visiting Services
Visiting doctors
Maternal child health nurse
Ante natal care
Employment agencies
South West Aboriginal Health Partnership
Community Programs
Health and Wellbeing programs
Holiday Activities
Weekly Play Group (proudly operating since 2003)
Men's and Women's Activities
Physical Activity Groups
Planned Activity Groups
Community Luncheons
Gym Groups
Social, Emotional and wellbeing Service
Advocacy for clients with agencies
Eg. Centrelink, TAFE, Brophy Youth Agency, WDEA, DHS, Dept of Justice, Dept. of Education, Mainsteam Health Services and Providers
Fruit Program
Do you have a current health assessment?
We hand deliver 14 pieces of fruit each week during school term to all children in the community. The only requirement is they have an annual health assessment - easy peasy!
Teneshia and Phillip are our Aboriginal Health Workers and are on the health assessment job.
Gym and Swim
Do you have a current health assessment?
Current clients of the health service are granted free access to our Gym and Swim program through Aquazone in Warrnambool. Must be a regular client and have an annual health assessment - again - it's easy peasy!
Not sure if your health assessment (often called a 715) is current?
Ask us - we can let you know. EASY!!